University Seminars - Information for Faculty
For more than three decades, the University Seminar (USEM) program has provided an opportunity for undergraduate students to take unique seminar style courses in a variety of topics taught by faculty from any of the University’s twelve schools. University Seminar faculty engage students in discussion, hands-on experiential learning, research, and in critical self-reflection that helps students shape the direction of their studies at UVA.
USEM courses are offered during both the fall and spring semesters, are capped at 18 students, and are offered on an open enrollment basis to students interested in the topic of the course.
There are two models for the USEM program; you may submit a course proposal for either model. One model offers two-credit USEMs available to first-year students only (USEMs 1570 and 1580). The other model offers one-credit USEMs available to first- and second-year students (USEMs 2570 and 2580).
Some reasons why you should apply to teach a University Seminar.
- These are not required classes. Every student enrolled in a University Seminar has chosen to be there. Students value USEMs as opportunities to work directly with faculty members in a small and intellectually engaging setting.
- The intimate and focused setting of a University Seminar provides a unique opportunity to meet and mentor engaged students.
- The flexible nature of a USEM provides faculty members the opportunity to innovate with both course topics and instructional techniques.
There are two models for the USEM program: one model offers two-credit USEMs available to first-year students only (USEMs 1570 and 1580) and one model offers one-credit USEMs available to first- and second-year students (USEMs 2570 and 2580). Both types of USEMs are offered during the fall and spring semesters, are capped at 18 students, and are offered on an open enrollment basis.
Each fall, generally around mid-November, proposals can be submitted for the following academic year. The submission deadline for fall semester USEMs is typically early January and the submission deadline for spring semester USEMs is typically early August. USEM proposals can be submitted here.
What Topic Should a University Seminar Address?
Any topic! Student participation in a USEM should foster a love of learning with the goal of igniting a spark of enthusiasm for a particular subject. It is expected that these courses will help students develop critical thinking skills and explore new ideas in an environment that encourages interactive learning and intensive discussion. Enrollment in a University Seminar should provide second- and first-year students the opportunity to work closely with faculty and to develop an intellectual community with other students around a shared area of interest.
While any topic of interest may be proposed, it is highly encouraged that proposers think outside the box and consider courses that students may not otherwise find at UVA. Furthermore, special consideration will be given to proposals that meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Proposals that equip students with the skills to interact in an increasingly pluralistic society by connecting to emerging issues at the University and our greater communities, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and belonging.
- Proposals that include a hands-on learning component, such as opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results, or designed learning experiences that include the possibility to learn from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes.
- Proposals that are interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary, which may include proposals that are team-taught classes, topics that would not easily fit into a single academic department or major, course design that allows for the synthesis of ideas across disciplines, and the development of important, transferable skills such as critical thinking, communication and analysis.
Please note that special consideration will be given to course proposals that have not been offered as part of the University Seminar program in any of the last three consecutive semesters.
Who is Eligible to Teach a University Seminar?
Tenure/Tenure-Track and Academic General Faculty members are eligible to propose courses to the USEM program, and preference will be given to their submissions. On an exceptional basis, A&P Faculty Members and University Staff may submit proposals, but their teaching activity must comply with policy PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit.
What Funding is Available for University Seminars?
A $4,000 award will be provided for each one-credit USEM course (USEMs 2570 and 2580) and a $6,000 award will be provided for each two-credit USEM course (USEMs 1570 and 1580). Nine-month faculty members may choose to receive this award as either summer wage or in a research account; summer wage payments are made in the summer after the USEM is taught and may have implications for a faculty member’s ability to take on additional summer wage assignments. Twelve-month faculty, A&P Faculty, and University Staff are only eligible to receive the award funds as OTPS. All disbursements are subject to University, state, and federal guidelines, policies, and procedures. Teaching a USEM course is not an eligible cause for approval of faculty overload.
What Should I Include in My University Seminar Proposal?
Your proposal must include the following components:
- Overview and Justification: Please provide a summary of the proposed course, including a justification for how your proposal aligns with the goals of the University Seminar program. If you are proposing a USEM that you previously taught, you must also provide information about how the course has evolved over time and the steps you will take to improve the course going forward. (One page max – PDF only)
- A syllabus Please provide a draft syllabus that includes student learning objectives and how the final grade will be determined in the course. Syllabi should appropriately reflect the credit load for the course, dependant on whether you are proposing a one- or two-credit USEM. A draft form is acceptable, but please ensure your draft syllabus includes an overview of student learning objectives, assignments, and assessment plan.(PDF only).
- Curriculum Vita or Resume for each instructor. (Two page max for each – PDF only)
- Letter of Support: Your proposal must also include a letter of support from your department chair/unit supervisor. For A&P Faculty Members and University Staff, the letter needs to note the approval of release time and state how this teaching has been accommodated in accordance with policy PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit. The letter of support will be solicited through the application system and should be uploaded directly by the letter writer. Proposals that involve co-instructors will be required to include a letter of support for each prospective instructor (one letter is acceptable if the supervisor is the same for both individuals).
When are Proposals Submitted?
Proposals for the Fall 2025 semester are due on Monday, January 13, 2025 and proposals for the Spring 2026 semester are due on Monday, August 11, 2025.
How are Proposals Submitted?
All proposals must be submitted online via InfoReady. The online application will ask a few short questions before you upload your proposal materials and submit your application. Applicants may submit more than one proposal.
Any questions about the University Seminar program should be directed to:
Matt Banfield
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